Egypt solo travel tips, advice, trips

Many solo travelling females want to know if it is safe to go to Egypt all by yourself. Here we have some tips, pros and cons for solo female travellers to Egypt which will help them discover the country hassle and stress free.

Solo female traveller camel riding experience at the pyramids
Solo female traveller camel riding experience at the pyramids

Is it safe to go to Egypt all by yourself?

Women travel independently around the world every day. It may be a little challenging to travel solo but it is definitely not because women are more vulnerable. Female travelers might feel a little insecure about going to Egypt alone.

Yes, going to a Muslim country all by yourself may sound scary, but when you are asking yourself if you should travel to Egypt solo, the answer is “yes”! Women travel alone to Egypt for many reasons and one of them is a search for spiritual experience. No matter the reason of your travel to Egypt solo, you are welcome to the country with rich scenery and history, warm climate and people.

Siwa oasis solo holiday
Siwa oasis solo holiday

Solo travels pluses and minuses

If you are new to solo travel and are choosing a safe country to get your first experience here are the pluses of choosing Egypt as a solo traveller destination:

- People welcome tourists
- in Egypt English is widely spoken and understood even by children so there will be no language barrier
- Political situation in the country is finally stable and security of the tourists is ensured
- Egypt is not so expensive destination
- There are many places of interest to visit
- Egypt is one of the best spiritual destination for spiritual seekers
- Travelling as a solo be prepare to pay twice for hotel accommodation and individual tours if you do not want to join in a group.

Travel solo to the Sphinx
Travel solo to the Sphinx

What are the pros and cons of discovering an Islamic country as a solo female traveler?

Get a good health insurance as medical services in Egypt are very expensive especially for foreigners.

Travel light. Do not bring many clothes and leave space for all the souvenirs you might want to purchase.

Light cotton shirts with sleeves, pants, jumpsuits and maxi dresses are your top priority. Dress conservatively. Open dresses, mini skirts and above the knee shorts are out of question in Cairo, Alexandria, streets of Luxor and Aswan, but acceptable in resort cities, hotels and cruise boats.

Carry a headscarf with you to cover up in mosques and other religious places you may like to enter.

Swimwear or shorts above the knee are not acceptable in restaurants even at Red sea resorts like Hurghada or Sharm el Sheikh.

Wear comfortable shoes because you will be walking long distances. Heels are a bad idea as pavements are rocky and sandy and you can easily break the shoes. We highly recommend socks and closed sporty shoes.

Bring your own sanitary products as tampons and pads are hard to impossible to find and quality and price are questionable.

Bring along your medicine as you may not find or find it hard to locate similar in the Egyptian pharmacies.

Be careful with new acquaintances. Do not share your accommodation details. Carry the hotel business card with you in case you lost your way. Make a copy of your documents and keep both secure.

Separate the money. Never keep all cash in one place. Do not reveal your card details to anyone.

Always sit in the back of the taxis or private vehicles it is a common tradition in Egypt for women. Otherwise you may be considered to be in relations with your driver. It is recommended to hire a driver from a known company, your hotel or your travel agency.

When taking a metro, look out for women only carriages, usually the first 2 wagons, but can be in the middle as well. It is very safe to use metro in Cairo. In other public transportation do not sit next to men.

Do not rent a car unless you have driving experience in Egypt or India. Otherwise it is safer to enjoy the chaos from a passenger seat. The way Egyptians drive may seem suicidal to most foreigners, traffic lights are hard to locate and streets are very busy.

Ask locals for help crossing the streets as it can be challenging to cross busy streets of Cairo without any traffic light or zebra crossing available.

Always ask at least three different people for directions no matter how confident they sound. Some people will direct you even if they never heard about a place only to seem friendly.

Do not drink alcohol in public, outside of well known bars, restaurants or a private residence.

Be rude if someone bothers you. Even a friendly conversation can be interpreted as flirtation. Decline selfie requests if they make you feel uncomfortable. Do not hesitate to ask people next to you for help.

Refuse strangers’ offers to show you around as they will be expecting a tip.

Looking out of that Cairo window might seem scary on your first day. That’s why we would recommend to join a group tour on your first day in the country or hire a private female guide in Cairo to show you around.

Prepare to be stared at on the streets if you are blond, beeping cars and locals saying “hello” in all languages known. As frustrating as it may seem ignore these people and keep walking.

Single female travelers or residents should keep in mind that public display of affection towards the opposite sex is looked down upon in the Middle East. Strict Muslims do not shake hands with the opposite sex.

Solo female travelers in Egypt are being observed by hotels security more than others. You cannot bring a man to the room with you unless you are married to him and can provide a legal marriage certificate.

Solo spiritual retreats in Egypt
Solo spiritual retreats in Egypt

Where can I travel alone in Egypt?

Egypt is a friendly country and an ultimate travel destination to escape from daily life. It must be on top of your list as a solo traveler. Best places to visit as a solo female are Sharm el Sheikh, Hurghada, Luxor, Cairo, Aswan and Alexandria. You should definitely take a solo Nile cruise.

List of Experience Egypt

Published: 09 May 2024 Last update: 09 May 2024