Birds watching tours in Egypt

Egypt is a famous place to watch birds. 470 bird species have been recorded in the country. Only here you can find Raven and Shrike, Warbler and Chiffchaff, Wheatear, Pipit, Bulbul, Gull, Oriole, Lark, Grouse, Robin, Tern, Sunbird, Curlew, Coot, Courser, Osprey.

Egyptian vulture
Egyptian vulture

Birds Migration through Egypt

Egypt has a great geographical position in the central of the earth, and that makes Egypt acting as a bridge between the continents of Europe, Asia, and Africa and this is the mean reason why so many migrating birds are here in Egypt especially Sinai peninsula. Millions of migrating birds pass through the land of Egypt on their way from the cold weather in Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, Balkans, Siberia, and Central Asia to the warm weather in eastern and southern Africa each autumn, and on their way back again each spring. Some birds have clearly defined migratory routes using hot air thermals, and because the Thermals do not develop over water. Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea act as barriers for birds, that why the most of birds prefer to fly through Sinai Peninsula where it is a way from the water. So huge numbers are concentrated in the Sinai, where the only link between Eurasia and Africa occurs. In winter Egypt hosts a multitude of birds, and it is particularly important to wintering water birds, as the northern Delta lakes act as a major refuge for many species of ducks and waders wintering in the Mediterranean.

Hod-Hod or Hoope crest
Hod-Hod or Hoope crest

Birds watching in Egypt

In Egypt there are many places where you can enjoy with bird watching here are some of these places:
Cairo: an excellent place to watch birds in Giza zoo, especially during the migratory seasons many different kinds of songbird may be encountered here. Among the breeding birds are Nile Valley Sunbirds and Cattle Egrets. Senegal Thick-knees may be found breeding. Sewage treatment plants are generally good bird-watching spots.

Fayoum Oases : it is situated around 110km south of Cairo, it has been known as a hunting area, and it is one of the most important places to bird watching. It is rich in land birds; also the lake of Qarun is important as a wintering area of grebes, ducks, coots, and shorebirds.
Suez : It is situated on one of the most important routs of bird migratory. thousands of birds may be seen passing overhead in their migration in spring and fall. The mudflats are frequented by migrating shorebirds of many varieties, and in the Suez bay various species of gulls and terns are often numerous.

Birds watching in Egypt
Birds watching in Egypt

Ras Mohammed National park birds

It is important place to watch White Storks which pass in thousands in the fall, and herons and shorebirds are abundant beside Osprey, gulls, terns Sooty and Falcons nest.

Osprey perch
Osprey perch

Birds watching in Hurghada

The Red Sea coast of Hurghada with its islands, offers good opportunities for birdwatchers. Many of the islands are inhabited by seabirds indigenous to the area (such as White-eyed Gull and White-cheeked Tern), also many birds may be seen from the mainland coast.

Sea gull
Sea gull

St Catherine birds

Located in the middle of Sinai Peninsula is famous not only for its monastery and the mount of Ten Commandments but also for many different species of desert birds such as hoopoe lark, bar tailed desert lark, chucker, and wheatear, mourning wheatear, white crowned black wheatear and sand partridge.

In Egypt 450 different species of birds have been registered so far.

List of Recreation and recreational activities in Egypt

Published: 09 May 2024 Last update: 09 May 2024